Make sure you've read through the slides and watched the BBC clip before you then watch this video, as this links to your final task. You'll enjoy it! Mr B.
To mark the end of the academic year, Ben H has used his time at home to perfect his stop-motion animation techniques to produce this quite wonderful short film. Well done Ben - fantastic! Enjoy!
We hope you enjoy our video, welcoming you to Year Five. Mrs Ghuman, Mr Billingham and the new Year Five Team can't wait to meet you all. Remember to keep looking at the Year Five Class Page on the school website, where you'll find more information as you prepare for the new academic year. We'll see you soon.
Shortly before Captain Tom's 100th Birthday, the Year Five children wanted to create a video to persuade HRH Queen Elizabeth II to bestow a knighthood on him. Here's the short film. #aknighthoodfortom
This video provides instructions to Year Five on how to create a short, persuasive video clip to persuade the Queen to give Captain Tom Moore a knighthood. 15 to 20 seconds long. Ask your parents to film it and send them to
Move over Mary Berry,'s no longer you! There's a new Chief Baker in town, and her name is Mrs G! Join her today to learn how to bake some sumptuous, delicious, mouth-watering chocolate brownies, to enjoy at your VE Day Celebration Party.
After setting the children some work to complete on stop animation, Ben decided to take it TEN steps further and create his own stop animation using some of the Flat Teachers to celebrate the return of the football. Ben - this is absolute class and Nick Park himself would be impressed! Well done!!